Successful Deposition Testimony: How To Protect Your Case

There are two possible hazards that go along with any litigation. However, as your Tampa employment lawyer works to get you ready for your deposition, he or she can also help you steer clear of those pitfalls. One hazard has to do with a client’s waiver of the attorney-client privilege, and the second hazard concerns the ramifications of talking about your case with someone other than your lawyer.

How Attorney-Client Privilege Protects You

In general, the attorney-client privilege covers all exchanges that occur between you and your Tampa employment lawyer. As such, those exchanges are protected from discovery by your employer’s attorney. Nevertheless, you can lose that privilege if you advise anybody else about what was discussed during those private exchanges. Similarly, you should not allow anyone else (other than your attorney) to see any litigation-related documents.

Beware Of Talking About Your Case

The second hazard that is part of litigation concerns the ramifications of you talking about your case with someone other than your attorney. For instance, you will be asked during your deposition to name every individual with whom you’ve discussed the case as well as the complete content of those conversations. Having to do this will not only lengthen your deposition needlessly, but it will also give your employer a list of additional individuals to depose in an effort to develop facts (or compile disparaging information) about you that can eat away at your case.

Get A Lawyer’s Help For Your Case

That said, it is imperative that you guard the confidentiality of your case by keeping all documents, conversations and other case-related matters between you and your lawyer. If you need to speak with a Tampa employment lawyer about your upcoming deposition, please contact , at 800-200-7546 or send us an email for a free consultation today.